TRG COVID-19 Update
TRG is here to help! Through partnerships with various suppliers, Technical Resources Group, Inc. is now able to offer hand sanitizer during this pandemic. Please contact our main office for inquiries.
Craig Bodenmiller Recognition!
Craig Bodenmiller, TRG’s Water Treatment Division Manager, was recognized on page 56 of The Analyst in the 2019 Fall issue. In his interview he talks about his motivating factor’s as well as offers advice to aspiring water treatment professionals!
Read the full interview here: https://issuu.com/awtpubs/docs/awt_analyst_fall2019_111119/56
Congratulations Craig!
Craig Bodenmiller accepted his CWT Certification at this weeks annual AWT Convention. Way to go Craig!

TRG News Page!
Welcome to the new TRG News page! Here you will find employee shout outs, relevant articles, and up to date happenings within Technical Resources Group.